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2024-07-12 05:12  浏览:0


AirPods are wireless earbuds ha have become icreasigly popular i rece years. Oe of he mai quesios people have whe i comes o hese devices is how log i akes o charge hem. I his aricle, we will explore he aswer o ha quesio.

Chargig Time for AirPods

The chargig ime for AirPods varies depedig o he model ad he ype of chargig case. The firs-geeraio AirPods ake abou wo hours o fully charge i heir chargig case, while he secod-geeraio AirPods ake abou hree hours. The AirPods Pro, o he oher had, ake abou a hour ad a half o fully charge i heir chargig case.

Chargig Time for he Chargig Case

The chargig ime for he AirPods chargig case also varies depedig o he model. The firs-geeraio chargig case akes abou wo hours o fully charge, while he secod-geeraio chargig case akes abou hree hours. The chargig case for he AirPods Pro akes abou wo hours o fully charge.

How o Check he Baery Life of AirPods

If you wa o check he baery life of your AirPods, simply ope he chargig case wih he AirPods iside ad hold i ex o your iPhoe. A pop-up widow will appear o your iPhoe scree showig he baery life of boh he AirPods ad he chargig case.


I coclusio, he chargig ime for AirPods depeds o he model ad he ype of chargig case. The firs-geeraio AirPods ake abou wo hours, he secod-geeraio AirPods ake abou hree hours, ad he AirPods Pro ake abou a hour ad a half o fully charge. Similarly, he chargig ime for he chargig case varies from wo o hree hours depedig o he model. To check he baery life of your AirPods, simply hold he chargig case ex o your iPhoe o see a pop-up widow showig he baery life of boh he AirPods ad he chargig case.


AirPods, wireless earbuds, chargig ime, baery life, chargig case
